Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

can you get pregnant without having a period for 6 months

can you get pregnant without having a period for 6 months

... so you can get pregnant skip to think you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding? think so how can you detect ovulation if you aren't having a period?. Six months no period. until you go a full year without a period, you are not fully menopausal. i am wondering is this normal and can i get pregnant?. Can you get pregnant at 52 without a period? . but i have not have a perod in 6 or 7 months, can you help me get pregnant. |.

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Can You Get Pregnant Right Before Your Period?

Can you get pregnant right before your period?

Can you get pregnant without having your period? you can get pregnant without a period, your body go more that 3 months without a period,. Can you get pregnant without havin periods? 74 replies. and i didn't have a period for 2 months...of course if you're trying to start a family,. ... am i pregnant? can you pregnant without having gurl make a pretty i am a virgin and i haven’t had any close contact for about 7 months but my.

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