Kamis, 01 Maret 2018

How To Get Pregnant With Sperm In A Condom

★ how to use sperm from condom to get pregnant - how soon can you get a sonogram when pregnant how to use sperm from condom to get pregnant how can you get pregnant. Hi, if a man was to ejaculate in a condom, could it be possible for the sperm in the condom to be used to get a girl pregnant if it was taken out and then inserted. Before someone jumps down my throat about trying to get pregnant against my partners wishes....

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Okay my little sister 15 and pregnant idk why she wants a baby so young... but she claims she used protection all the time but said that she used the sperm. So a long time ago, after doing the nasty with someone, he threw the condom in the trash can and looked at me, straight faced, and said please don. Ever since i got pregnant, my friend has wanted to get pregnant. her boyfriend and her have s_x on a regular basis, so she's been telling me she's taking the condom.

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